Holiday movie homes bring back loads of memories. This time of year, it’s practically impossible to turn on the TV and not see a holiday movie playing. Although there are many movies being made each year with this theme, there are only a few that become true classics. This year, we thought it would be cool to have a look back on 3 of our favourite holiday movies, and specifically the homes in which they take place. Get ready for a stroll down memory lane!
A Christmas Story
It doesn’t get any more classic than this movie. Set in the year 1940, we get a full colour experience of what it was like to be a kid back then.
No wall-to-wall cabinets in this kitchen. Appliances and spaces are separate of one another, and the primary colour (yellow) is matched in both the pain colour and the window coverings.
The living room was a bit drab, but fit in with the utilitarian style of the 1940s.
There was nothing fancy about this house (with the exclusion of the infamous leg lamp of course).
And every room has a completely different colour scheme from the next. We’ve definitely renovated some homes with bathroom tiles like these.
This is one of those holiday movie homes that is SO popular, that tourists flock to it year round in its home of Cleveland, Ohio.
National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation
What screams Christmas spirit more than the Griswold’s family home? Released in 1989, this movie was the epitome of life in the suberbs and one of our favourite holiday movie homes.
Three different rooms, three different wallpapers! This image shows us how obsessed we were with this trend in the 90s and 90s.
How about that green carpet?? We can appreciate the wainscoting and fireplace but we’re feeling a little dizzy with all these elements in one room.
The formal dining room (wallpapered of course) is styled with a brass chandelier that could easily be mistaken for one we saw on Houzz recently.
The Griswold family home is such a popular holiday movie house, that even popular artist Thomas Kinkade did his own interpretation of it.
Home Alone
Our final, and probably grandest home is the McCallister’s mansion in Chicago. Although this movie only came out a year after Christmas Vacation (1990) it totally had a different feel.
This house appeared to be made for Christmas with it’s green and red themed rooms and the famous grand staircase lined with red carpet.
The Georgian-style Colonial was the perfect back drop for one of the most epic Christmas movies ever.
And let’s not forget this kitchen. Tiled green counter tops and brass hardware give us a solid nod to early 90s style.
Arched doorways and a mix of prints and solids make this holiday movie house look worlds away from the sleek minimal designs we see today.
The popular home is still around, in Winnetka, Illinois.
And the neighbours still can’t stop the die hard fans from capitalizing on a dream photo opportunity.
Hope you enjoyed our little walk down memory lane.
Happy Holidays from the Novero Team!